
Restaurant opening hours

Restaurant & Bar

Whether you are a business, seminar or vacation guest - the family Liebmann welcomes you with great pleasure and passion. They will do everything to make your stay as pleasant as possible. In the restaurant you will be spoiled with many delicious dishes, so that you come strengthened through the day.

Day guests are also warmly welcomed at the hotel Liebmann. Whether in the restaurant or in the bar - immerse yourself in a special world full of international influences .

On Sundays the restaurant is open exclusively for hotel guests.

Opening & Closing Hours

in 4* hotel Liebmann

Hotel bar
  • Mon-Sat 7- max. 0 o'clock
  • Sun. and public holiday 7- 12 o'clock
Restaurant á la carte
  • Mon-Sat 12-14 h & 18-20.30 h
  • Sun & holiday closed
  • Mon-Fri 7-10 a.m.
  • Sat, Sun & Holiday 7-10.30 a.m.

Lunch menu in Laßnitzhöhe

The kitchen team at the hotel Liebmann conjures up delicious menus with ingredients from the region. In addition to meat and fish dishes, there is also a suitable menu for vegetarians. From 12-14 o'clock we serve the food in the restaurant and café area. If the weather permits, we are happy to serve lunch on our terrace, with a wonderful view of the Graz basin.

Would you like to pick up the lunch menu so you can enjoy it at work or at home? With pleasure! Pre-order your desired menu from us at the hotel by phone and pick it up at the restaurant with your own dishes or in our package. Last pick up time is 13:30.

Advance booking by telephone +43 3133 2322-6.

Table reservation

You are welcome to reserve a table in advance at the 4* hotel Liebmann.

By telephone under +43 3133 2322-6 or by mail under office (at) hotel-liebmann. at.

Culinary calendar

Let us spoil you with culinary delights at the 4* Hotel Liebmann in Laßnitzhöhe. Seasonal, but also regional specialties await you all year round - such as Liebmann's barbecue evenings or the Martini Days.

On Valentine's Day there is a special menu for lovers and on the honor day of mothers and fathers the hotel Liebmann prepares a very special buffet in the hotel.

At the Gin & Tonic tastings you will dive into the world of gin and can try different drinks in the largest gin bar in Styria.

You can celebrate the Christmas season in a very traditional way with a Christmas party at the hotel Liebmann . Whether with the family or with business partners - we have enough space .